Wheels for Life
Over 20 years ago, the Wakeling family created the program, ‘Wheels for Life’, an initiative driven to give back to the local community. In addition to the long list of local sporting groups and events that Paul Wakeling Volkswagen sponsors, the Wheels for Life program is one of Macarthur’s finest examples of a community supporting its own.
Every new and used vehicle purchase from Paul Wakeling Volkswagen over the last 20 years, has seen $25 donated to the program. The total value of life saving equipment purchased for Campbelltown and Camden Hospitals to date amounts to over $1,850,000 .
Our most recent donation in February 2023, saw many new items purchased, such as a state-of-the-art Ultrasound machine for the Emergency Department, three defibrillators for multiple departments, four Echocardiograph (ECG) machines well as well three Eurocare Tug machines to assist the General Services Department with efficiency and WHS for staff in their ability to move around the extended facility with ease.
The drive for the Wakeling family to begin this venture, and keep the commitment running for so long has always been about giving back to the Macarthur community, that has helped support and grow their business over the years. In the words of Paul: “…we’ve always based our business on supporting the community that supports us, and I can’t think of a better way than doing just that than through our local hospitals.”
Commitment, pride, and purpose is what continues to drive the Wheels for Life program, and every vehicle purchased paves the way to further strengthen our community and safeguard the lives of its people.
We would like the take this opportunity to thank everybody who has supported us throughout this journey. Without you, none of this would have been possible to reach. We look forward to what the future holds and being able to share in the continued success of the Wheels for Life program.
Paul Wakeling Volkswagen – Driving Macarthur